How to get Google AdSense Approval for Blogger site Fast in 2022

How to get Google AdSense Approval for Blogger site Fast in 2022

In this video, I'll show how to get a month-old website through Google AdSense monetization audit with less than 20 articles and some organic traffic Next I'll show some of my blog site's Situation & details such as blog topic, number of articles, word count, etc. Some minimum requirements to get a Google AdSense account, How long it takes for my blog site to pass the AdSense monetization review, I will also show how I fixed my site AdSense policy violation issues, including High-Value Ad Space: No Content & High-Value Ad Space: Under Construction AdSense monetization eligibility,

Remember to help leave a message, like, subscribe and share. Here I will choose a subscriber and help TA's website to obtain AdSesne's monetization qualification, but this can only be done after this YouTube channel reaches 1000 subscriptions & 4000 hours of viewing. Don't miss this opportunity. Let's get started now. Let me briefly describe my current state of AdSense. A few months ago (April), I had two blog sites that passed Google AdSense monetization audits. Both blog sites are from Google's Blogger/Blogspot platform. In these two blogs, I share some articles on actuarial science and finance topics. The first blog is the noon blog, in March this year, AdSense approved this monetization application. A few days later, I created an English blog, and it also passed the AdSense monetization review in April this year. This video will only focus on the AdSense monetization review process for English blogs

Ever wondered why not start with the first blog site? This is because the story of the first blog is very long, it may take an hour to explain and there are also many issues involved, it is difficult to finish it in a few words. These issues not only violate the policy but also include multiple AdSense accounts And closing AdSense accounts and so on. If the topic of Google AdSense is getting more and more people, I should share the story of the first blog site in the future. Are you ready? The entire process of how to pass Google AdSense monetization audit within one month of website creation starts now. On March 23, 2021, I created an English blog after applying for monetization through AdSense on my Chinese blog. Since my Chinese blog has a lot of content, I translate some of the content and post it on my English blog

In the beginning, I published an article every day, a total of 5 articles. There are 4 articles on finance topics in these 5 articles, and the remaining article is used to document the Google AdSense monetization application process for this English blog. After the article is published, I submit the article's URL to Google Webmaster (GSC) and then update my sitemap Sitemap to allow GSC to include these articles. At the same time, I also create some important pages (such as author bio, contact, However, the format of these pages is a bit different from others, and there will be explanations later in the video. A week later, when I submitted my first AdSense monetization application, those 5 articles had already been approved by Google through GSC. Recorded.

It is almost difficult to get Google AdSense approval with only 5 articles. So on April 7th Google AdSense rejected the English blog's monetization request. The email was emailed. This email shows that there are some issues with my site that need to be fixed before being eligible for AdSense monetization. If you want to view the details of these problems, you must check the page after logging in to your Google AdSense account. For example, here, AdSense points out that my blog has two problems as I mentioned earlier 1) High-value advertising space: none Content & 2) High-value ad space: still under construction These two questions I didn't notice the second question when I first looked up my AdSense account on my phone. I knew I had to scroll down to see the next question

If you are a novice, remember this operation after Google AdSense rejected your application. Next, I posted 8 actuarial science articles to my English blog in a short period, and these articles were translated before AdSense replied to me. The reason I didn't publish these articles as soon as the translation was done is that I wanted to test the minimum number of articles a site needs to be able to pass the Google AdSense monetization review. When the computer submitted the second application, I found the second problem on the website (still under construction) For this reason, I removed some useless tags search page

(Moved from the template of the Chinese blog, it is useless) These tags do not appear in the content of the English blog, and I also think that this is the source that is still under construction. Application for review

In the meantime, I'm translating and publishing three other actuarial articles while I'm waiting for AdSense to respond to me. Google AdSense updated the monetization eligibility application for English blogs on the morning of April 11. There are also some positive developments. For example, no content issue has been resolved but it is still, under construction, this issue exists at that moment I have a total of 16 articles but I can't find the place on the site that is still under construction as there are other things to do that morning Busy, I'll check again in the evening of the day. After I dug into every link and article on the site, I found that there were some false links in earlier articles. I put the correct link in it in less than a few minutes

Apply for a third monetization review later in the evening. A week later, AdSense didn't send any messages to me. While I was waiting, I wrote another 3 articles and shared one of them on Ontology's forum site. It's kind of like a "Reddit" for my country's financial theme. The website and this sharing got me nearly 1000 views Most of the traffic is referred traffic (Referal) After a few days of waiting for a week, I received a reply from Google AdSense at around 5:00 on April 21st this year, my English blog finally passed Google AdSense monetization audit. I don't know why it only takes more than 10 days at a time (previously, it was within 7 days to reply), but it is quite happy to be able to make the English blog site pass the AdSense monetization audit within a month of its creation. And the whole process ends here

What follows is a key moment and situation. The monetization review for this English-language blog site took place between March and April. I created this English blog on March 23 this year and made the site eligible for AdSense monetization on April 21. I have submitted 3 applications in total. Coincidentally, the monetization applications for both of my blog sites were made at 5 pm. Approved by Google AdSense around the point. Don't know why, maybe just a coincidence. And my English blog is only a month old, and on the Blogger platform, it shows that the number of views during this period has reached about 3,200. But almost 95% of the traffic is referral/direct traffic and organic traffic contributes less than 5%. It's all true, I'm unlikely to make up a story and make a YouTube video to fool you.

This video is just a personal experience sharing, a sharing about getting a website to pass the Google AdSense monetization review and there are only less than 20 articles and a little organic traffic If you feel good, remember to like, subscribe, comment, and share Oh let me know if you guys want more AdSense stories. If this video becomes a hit, I should make more AdSense videos. Back to the topic, now I'm going to explain some of the issues that Google AdSense called on my English blog site. And I'll also explain how to completely solve these problems and let my website finally pass the Google AdSense monetization audit.

These two problems are 1) high-value ad space: no content & 2) high-value ad space: no content under construction This problem is very simple, it means that your website does not have enough articles to solve this problem. Mainly by publishing more high-quality articles, the high-quality representative content here is original and not directly copied from other websites. The content is valuable to readers & the overall structure of helpful content is good, with few mistakes in grammar, a few photos between paragraphs of content, etc. When the problem of no content was resolved, I had 16 articles on my blog, so I guess the minimum number of articles should be between 15 and 20. 

None of my articles here are about 500 to 1200 words, and the average should be 800 words. In the best case, don't write articles less than 500 words, if you write too many short articles, AdSense may not accept the website's monetization application FYI, these articles must also be indexed and included by Google Webmaster (GSC) Otherwise, no content will exist no matter how many articles you write, and then AdSense will keep rejecting your website's monetization review application. Next, it's still under construction. This problem means that there are places on your website that allow users to have Difficulty navigating or interacting This includes some sites or software in places or links that are under construction, not functional, or lead to the wrong place or error message (like 404) Remove some tags from search pages

And these pages are moved from the template of the Chinese blog. Here is an example. I did not use this tag in the new blog.

(but I'm still ignoring the search page for this tag in my new blog) So I think that's what AdSense considers "not functional" so don't think I did the same mistake and then I was able to fully fix this still construction The problem is because I carefully check all the links inside every article and page on the site you have to make sure that all the links are valid and the dead/wrong links have to be fixed ASAP For example in my English blog, there are two links that can be Incorrect links because they lead users to the wrong place as these links should have taken them to the real place a local bank's login page,

But these links direct readers to the blog's article edit page which is also the blog's login page. Ultimately, my site passed the Google AdSense monetization audit after fixing these bad links. These are how I solved the blog problem. Haven't dealt with issues other than these two and again I can't give my personal opinion on other issues but you can refer to the AdSense help or the community to find solutions to other issues like low-value content or navigation issues where it matters On the page, I focus more on the author bio and the liaison. Others such as disclaimers, terms of use, and privacy policies are a little less important to me

In short, I wrote these pages in about a sentence or two and attached a link on Google Drive as my disclaimer, etc. You can see what I did on these pages This is how I set up these important pages and passed the AdSense monetization review. I've also seen a few bloggers who can still qualify for AdSense monetization without these pages. About the Author & Contact is the most important page. You have to show your credibility and provide a channel for your readers to communicate with each other. And website users are like my author profile, I write like a resume, including my education and professional certifications, etc. If your website theme involves YMYL (money or life)

Then it's important to introduce yourself. If you don't do this, AdSense may reject your site's monetization application. Next, I'll summarize 8 points to qualify for AdSense monetization 1) All content must be original, high-quality, and informative. 2) Any plagiarized content is not allowed 3) Each article is at least 500 to 1200 words 4) At least 15 to 20 articles are published 5) AdSense has no requirements for website traffic My blog has more than 95% Referral/direct traffic, but AdSense still approves my site's monetization application and don't buy any traffic or traffic generating bots because Google AdSense is great at detecting unusual signs 6) The site doesn't have an age limit

My new website passed Google AdSense monetization audit in just one month 7) Build important pages like author bio & contact 8) Set up Google Webmaster (GSC) and Google and connect them to their own The site then updates the Sitemap and submits the article site to GSC for inclusion. Here's the end of the video explainer section. The following video is proof of everything from creating a blog to passing the AdSense monetization audit. You can see how I did it and maybe you can see how I ended up getting Google AdSense monetization audit You can leave your questions in the comments,

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